The Center for Natural Resources and Sustainability (CRS) at the Kazakh-German University (DKU) was established to consolidate education and applied research for sustainable societies in the Central Asian Region.
We apply innovative approaches along the three main tracks:
1.) Generation, transfer and exchange of knowledge, technologies, know-hows and competencies;
2.) Education;
3.) Networking with academic communities to enhance the water-energy-land-ecosystems-mobility nexus against the backdrop of climate change in Central Asia.
One of the main directions of the Center's activity is capacity building of civil servants, expert, and business communities, as well as young professionals and students.
- Corporate trainings
We conduct trainings for governments, academic institutions and international agencies to ensure the transfer of knowledge on current issues and changes in the policy agenda and legislative framework related to sustainable development.
- Trainings for experts, trainers and academicians
We enhance the competencies of experts and trainers in our priority areas, and train them to further enable a skilled transfer of knowledge from one stakeholder to another. We also offer trainings for subject-matter academicians to update them on international knowledge, skills and technologies.
- Training for students and young professionals